Welcome to SUNKEAN booth at All-energy Australia 2022

Welcome to SUNKEAN booth at All-energy Australia 2022


Welcome to SUNKEAN booth at All-energy Australia 2022

Welcome to SUNKEAN booth at All-energy Australia 2022
all energy
ALL-ENERGY AUSTRALIA 2022 will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center from October 26th to 27th, 2022. The Australia All-Energy Exhibition is an event dedicated to all forms of clean and renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region. A sister show to the UK International Energy Exhibition, the theme of the exhibition is clean and renewable energy.

This time, SUNKEAN will bring IEC62930 H1Z2Z2-K solar cables & wiring harnesses, energy storage cables & battery harnesses to this exhibition. Welcome to visit our booth.

Exhibition time: October 26-27, 2022
Venue: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Our Booth No.: KK135